Version 0.6 of OpenMolar1 close to being production ready.

posted by Neil Wallace - 20 Jun 2014, 10:32 p.m.

Many folks have tried openmolar1, and found it to be an impressive application.
Serious users, and potential adopters, however, have hit a wall when trying to customise the application.
Hopefully version 0.6 should remove most of these obstacles.

New with this version.
  • The database installed is devoid of all irrelevent data, such as example clinicians, appointments etc.
  • The application is now aware when connected to a database of this type, and will enable features which help the user become familiar with the basic functionality.
    "Finding" a patient, for example, in a database with only 5 patients is a different matter to doing so in a database where there are 26,000 patients! In the former case, a name search even for a common name such as "John Smith" will be unlikely to match, so a user could waste half an hour trying to find a valid record. If the application notes less than 5 patients in the system, they are ALL offered at every unsuccessful search.
  • Removal of all references to the author's own practice in the codebase
  • Removal of legacy functionality, that would confuse a new user.
  • Multiple minor bug fixes, see closed issues for details

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